Cloud Minute (Google Cloud 使用教程)

Cloud Minute (Google Cloud 使用教程)

  • 课程主讲:
  • 所属机构:Google
  • 视频数量:41讲
  • 所属分类:云计算
  • 课程时长:37分钟
  • 课程人气:3770
  • 在线播放
  • 分集下载

Cloud Minute (Google Cloud 使用教程)的相关介绍


    Running a container with Managed Instance Groups

    Deploying Python 3 apps on Google App Engine

    Create Managed Instance Group

    Deleting and Restoring Projects

    Deploying ASP.NET apps on Google Compute Engine

    Stackdriver Error Reporting

    Create an HTTP Load Balancer

    Online Resizing of a Persistent Disk attached to your Linux VM

    Creating and Using Service Accounts

    Upgrade Free Trial to Paid Account

    Deploying Node.js apps on Google App Engine

    Signing up for a Free Trial

    Creating Custom Google Compute Engine Instances

    Using Zync on Google Cloud Platform

    PostgreSQL instance with Cloud Launcher

    Uploading a Photo to Cloud Storage from Rails

    Testing a Web Server with Cloud Shell

    Using Google Cloud Shell

    Upgrading a Google Compute Engine Instance

    Creating a Compute Engine Disk Image

    Adding Uptime Alerts

    Uploading Docker Images to Google Container Registry

    Adding a Persistent Disk to your Linux VM

    How to Create a Bucket with the Google Cloud Storage Browser

    Uploading Files and Folders to Google Cloud Storage

    Getting Help with gcloud

    Adding APIs to your Google Cloud Platform Project

    Managing SSH Keys on Google Compute Engine

    Using Google Cloud SQL with App Engine

    Using Google Cloud SQL with Compute Engine

    Creating Managed Instance Group Templates

    Installing Google Cloud Client Libraries for .NET

    Installing and using Cloud Tools for Visual Studio

    Managing Google Cloud resources using PowerShell

    Setting Up Cloud CDN

    Deploying Microsoft SQL Server to Google Compute Engine

    Command Line Creation of Managed Instance Groups

    Upload Files with Ruby

    Create a BigQuery table with Ruby

    Connect to Google Cloud SQL on the Command Line

    Connecting to Google Cloud SQL with the Cloud SQL Proxy